May 28, 2021
Class of 2021
The following students are candidates for graduation with an expected degree conferral date of June 5 (with the exception of those indicated as * September…
The following students are candidates for graduation with an expected degree conferral date of June 5 (with the exception of those indicated as * September…
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /] [album id=3 template=extend]…
Joan Lunden, award-winning TV journalist, author, and former co-host of Good Morning America, will be principal speaker Lafayette will grant 640 degrees…
The College will recognize four distinguished leaders at the 175th Commencement Candidates for honorary degrees at the 175th Commencement are award-winning…
The award goes to the senior who “most nearly represents the Lafayette ideal” Michael Adelman ’10 calls himself a “liberal arts engineer.” During his…